Saturday 7 January 2017

Guest Post by Sally Larsen: 5 Reasons to Choose Organic Skin Care Products

Sally Larsen, creator of Sally B’s Skin Yummies, is a leader in the field of organic skin care and a participant in our program here at Her business experienced a huge increase in sales in 2016 as she embraced social media on a larger scale.You can find out more about her wonderful products at this link.

You want to be healthy, and you want your skin to look its very best. So you pamper your skin with this product and that product, and pay close attention to what you eat. When you choose foods, you more than likely pay attention to the nutrition facts and ingredient lists, choosing foods that fuel your healthy daily allowances and aren’t made with artificial ingredients. But are you as scrupulous with your skin care selections?

Beauty aisles are littered with products and marketing claims promising that their formulas will improve skin appearance and texture, remove dark spots, and reduce the signs of aging. Like fad diets that give temporary results, oftentimes products made with artificial or chemical ingredients offer the same thing – a temporary mask without improving skin from deep within. Studies and experience have taught us that eating organically is the best decision for our overall health, so it can be deduced that organic skin care products are also worth the effort.

Think about a transdermal patch – a small patch that is applied directly to the skin to deliver a dose of medication to the bloodstream. Your skin allows the medication on these patches – most often aids to help people quit smoking, or birth control methods – to enter your skin and alter your body’s functions. This is all topical.  There is no special delivery system in these patches…except for your skin of course. The ingredients in your skin care products are no different. When you massage lotion on your skin, where does it disappear? The ingredients are absorbed by the skin and into the bloodstream.

Choosing organic skin care products takes an extra step. There is a bit of research and due diligence to be done, but it is worth it. Your health is worth it. Here are 5 reasons why it is worth searching out organic and plant-based skin care products:

  1. Because you want to put only the healthiest, safest ingredients on your face and body. In the United States, there are few safety regulations within the skin care industry. And that’s a scary thing for your health. Skin care products can play host to a number of chemical ingredients that are skin and health irritants – including parabens, carcinogens, and allergens. An eye-opening fact: there are currently 12,500 ingredients used in skincare products, but the United States has tested only 11% and banned only 8. The European Union, however, has banned 1,100 ingredients, labeling them as hazardous chemicals. Choosing products made with non-toxic and organic ingredients helps to keep your skin and body performing at their very best.
  2. You will notice a difference in the tone and texture of your skin.You might have read stories about beauty icons from centuries ago – think Cleopatra, Nefertiti, and Guinevere – who relied on plant-based ingredients for their beauty. We’re finding that there is plenty of truth in legend. Taking our beauty practices back to basics – or back to nature – has proven that our skin craves the gentle and nourishing benefits of organic, plant-based ingredients. While you may be skeptical now, making the switch will have a big impact on your skin’s appearance and health.
  3. You are preserving the planet’s health and making it a bit more beautiful, too. Purchasing an organic product potentially removes a chemically laden product from being used. This means that toxic ingredients washed down the drain are not disrupting our delicate eco-systems. With few government regulations on skin care ingredients, keeping certain chemicals out of nature is an initiative that must be taken by skin care manufacturers and consumers. There is progress being made with some states banning ingredients, like plastic, exfoliating micro-beads and Triclosan, but until it becomes more wide spread it is up to you to do your research. Be sure to look for companies who source their ingredients from renewable resources that are sourced ethically and responsibly. This helps to keep our planet’s resources balanced and healthy.
  4. Organic products work.  For too long “organic” translated to “granola” and the misconception that organic products could not perform like products made with chemical and artificial ingredients. However, over the years we have found sources for beneficial organic and plant-based ingredients that contribute to our success in making healthy products that work. In fact, we hear every day from customers who are amazed at the effectiveness of our serums or moisturizers. It is why we do what we do each and every day – so that we can share our excitement and successes with everyone around the world.
  5. Your Health is Worth It.  We all have a health journey. Whether it is cancer, skin ailments like eczema, or the desire to lose weight, we have found through customer accounts, personal experiences, and research, that eliminating certain chemicals in personal care products can alleviate symptoms. Conscious skin care choices, made in tandem with a healthy lifestyle and diet, can even be preventative solutions for some health issues. The symbiotic relationship we have found between feeding your skin and feeding your body is important to understand when taking inventory of your health and well being.

No matter what type of skin you have – oily, dry, or combination – thoughtful product selection can have a dynamic impact on your overall health. Yes, not just your skin health, but overall health. But don’t take it from us. Make a conscious effort to swap your products out for organic, plant-based alternatives and discover for yourself just how positively your skin, and body, will react to the change.

The post Guest Post by Sally Larsen: 5 Reasons to Choose Organic Skin Care Products appeared first on What is Social Media Today.



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