Friday 28 October 2016

6 Ways to Create Viral Marketing Success with Pinterest

You can create viral marketing success with Pinterest by following these six easy steps:

  1. Create boards around your keywords
  2. Search for or create group boards around your keywords
  3. Use to schedule your posts
  4. Put a Pinterest button your blog or website to make it easier for you and your fans to share your posts.
  5. Create original, user-friendly content to share through Pinterest
  6. Consider converting your Pinterest account to a business account so you can read the analytics

Pinterest has 100 million active users, 85 percent of whom are female.

One way to explain Pinterest’s popularity among women is that it’s like a giant digital scrapbook that’s constantly evolving and becoming more and more important for those of us working to promote our businesses through social media..

According to Wikipedia, before 2013, Pinterest only accounted for about 2 percent of global social-mediated sales, however it has recently substantially increased to about 23 percent. Sales inspired by Pinterest average about $80 – higher than any other site, including Amazon, Google and Facebook. 

Convinced you need to win the Game of Pinterest?

Now let’s go in depth and understand how:

Create boards around your keywords. By now, if you have been following our social media strategy here at, you know that you must start by figuring out the keywords for your business. Once you are clear on what those keywords are, create Pinterest boards for your top 10 keywords. Maybe you can think of even more boards to create based on the words and phrases that people who need your products, business and services are looking for. Once you have created your 10 boards based on your keywords, constantly be on the lookout for content that explains your keywords. This could be content you yourself create or Pins from other Pinterest users. Remember, you don’t have to create all the content yourself – you can share the ideas of like-minded people.

Search for or create group boards around your keywords. Once you have created your own boards around your keywords, search for group boards from other people who are collecting content around the same subject. If you can’t quite find what you are looking for, create your own group boards by inviting other Pinterest users to become members of a group board you create. This is a great way to get your content quickly in front of potentially thousands of people. For example, I’m a member of this Pinterest board about Fitness that has 9.8 thousand members. If I post to this board, my content automatically gets shared with 9.8 thousand members.

Use to schedule your posts. is a dashboard you can use to share visual content throughout the social media. It’s especially helpful for Pinterest and Instagram, but you can also share to Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr and Twitter. One of the great features about this particular dashboard is that once you upload your images, you can clone them. In this manner, you can send out multiple images through your social media channels over time. This would be especially helpful, for example, during a book launch or other product kickoff when you want to let your fans and followers to take action.

Put a Pinterest Pin It button your blog or website to make it easier for you and your fans to share your posts. You want to make it as easy as possible for your fans and followers to share your content through their social media channels. One of the great ways to do this is to ask your website developer to add a Pin It button to your website. You can also download a Pin It button to your web browser by following the instructions at this link. In that way, whenever you run across content throughout the internet that’s relevant to your keywords all you have to do is Pin It to one of your Pinterest boards.

Create original, user-friendly content to share through Pinterest. One of the unique features of Pinterest compared to other social media sites with their quick timelines is that once you create content and pin it to your boards, it will be around forever. Create great content and all of a sudden you have a viral marketing phenomenon on your hands! Here’s a great example of how I did this. Back on Jan. 28, 2016, I published a blog entitled “The Easiest Way to Stretch Tight Hamstrings.” The blog included a very clear photograph demonstrating how to do what I was talking about. I then pinned the photo with a link to my website on multiple Pinterest boards. You can see the Pin at this link. As of Oct. 28, it has now been pinned on a total of 970 different boards throughout Pinterest, making it evergreen content that sends new readers to my website on literally a daily basis according to my Google analytics reports. Best times to post on Pinterest are between 8 and 11 p.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. 

Consider converting your Pinterest account to a business account so you can read the analytics. When I started, I knew I wanted to include a Pinterest account as part of my social media strategy. I set up the Pinterest account for my online jewelry store as a business account at this link so that over time I will be able to read the analytics reports to see what customers are responding to, when and for how long. Just as you can read the analytics report on your business Facebook page and Twitter account, you can get similar analytics when you set up a Pinterest business account.

Want to learn more about how to win the Game of Social Media?

Join our program today by calling Catherine Carrigan at 678-612-8816 or email or calling Ramajon Cogan at (928) 821-4553 or email

The post 6 Ways to Create Viral Marketing Success with Pinterest appeared first on What is Social Media Today.



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